Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Photogrammetry for Tracking Streambank Erosion...
Excessive erosion and bank failure within river corridors pose a significant risk to infrastructure and natural systems and reliable characterization of bank erosion is a... -
Burning with Potential: Understanding the Relationship Between Biochar and Ag...
Achieving global sustainable agriculture is one of the most incredible challenges of this century, yet many continue to try to solve this problem through the development of... -
Cropland and ArcGIS Online Exercise: Pixels and Crop Changes
This exercise developed by Dr. Tom Mueller of California University of Pennsylvania addresses two National Geographic Standards: Standard 1: How to use maps and other geographic... -
An Efficient Workflow and Accuracy Assessment for ICESat-2 and Multispectral ...
Interest in mapping bathymetry from multispectral satellite imagery has grown steadily since the 1970s. Notwithstanding the significant advancements made during this time, one... -
Active-Passive Spaceborne Data Fusion for Mapping Nearshore Bathymetry
In anticipation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ICESat-2 mission, which will employ the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS), a 532 nm... -
Validation of ICESat-2 ATLAS Bathymetry and Analysis of ATLAS’s Bathymetric M...
NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) was launched in September, 2018. The satellite carries a single instrument, ATLAS (Advanced Topographic Laser... -
Thematic Classification Accuracy Assessment with Inherently Uncertain Boundar...
Accuracy assessment is one of the most important components of both applied and research-oriented remote sensing projects. For mapped classes that have sharp and easily... -
Mapping the Topographic Features of Mining-Related Valley Fills Using Mask R-...
Modern elevation-determining remote sensing technologies such as light-detection and ranging (LiDAR) produce a wealth of topographic information that is increasingly being used... -
Relating leaf spectral reflectance to its color: an inquiry-based activity to...
Understanding the concept of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and its interaction with matter (absorption, reflection, and transmission) can be difficult for students in seventh... -
No-cost LANDSAT Data Redefines Student Research Projects In Applied Remote Se...
Students enrolled in an applied remote sensing class at University of Wyoming are required to complete a term research project. They have to apply the concepts learned... -
Sunbathed Aspen Grow to Show how Sunlight Influences Aspen Leaf Changes in th...
Every autumn, leaves of deciduous trees change from green to other colors and eventually drop to the ground. The rate of color change is influenced by a several factors... -
Rapid flood inundation mapping by differencing water indices from pre- and po...
Following flooding disasters, satellite images provide valuable information required for generating flood inundation maps. Multispectral or optical imagery can be used for... -
Prediction of Early Season Nitrogen Uptake in Maize Using High-Resolution Aer...
The ability to predict spatially explicit nitrogen uptake (NUP) in maize (Zea mays L.) during the early development stages provides clear value for making in-season nitrogen... -
Ash Presence and Abundance Derived from Composite Landsat and Sentinel-2 Time...
Ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) are a prominent species in Minnesota forests, with an estimated 1.1 billion trees in the state, totaling approximately 8% of all trees. Ash trees are... -
Mapping Kenyan Grassland Heights Across Large Spatial Scales with Combined Op...
Grassland monitoring can be challenging because it is time-consuming and expensive to measure grass condition at large spatial scales. Remote sensing offers a time- and... -
Missing Pixel Reconstruction on Landsat 8 Analysis Ready Data Land Surface Te...
Missing pixels is a common issue in satellite images. Taking Landsat 8 Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Land Surface Temperature (LST) image as an example, the Source-Augmented Partial... -
Modeling Evapotranspiration for c4 and c3 Crops in the Western Lake Erie Basi...
Growing monoculture impacts not just soil properties and biodiversity but also local hydrology including evapotranspiration (ET). The Midwest region of the U.S. is known for its... -
Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis in the Old Woman Creek Using Remote Sen...
The application of remote sensing techniques in mapping, classifying and monitoring land cover, land use and vegetation are popular among the researchers and scientists for... -
Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis in the Old Woman Creek Estuary Using UA...
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are increasingly used for spatiotemporal monitoring of invasive plants in coastal wetlands. Early identification of invasive species is necessary... -
Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herd...
Changes in land use have resulted in range shifts of many wildlife species, including those entering novel environments, resulting in the critical need to understand their...