From pixel to yield: forecasting potato productivity in Lebanon and Idaho
Idaho and Lebanon rely on potatoes as an economically important crop. NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), GNDVI (Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), SAVI... -
Land Cover Change and Habitat Monitoring of Columbian Sharp- tailed Grouse in...
Anthropogenic forces of land use and land cover change have affected Columbian Sharp-tailed grouse habitats in southeastern Idaho over the past century, with the assumption that... -
Applications of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Best Practices and Case Studies
Chapter 6: sUAS for Wildlife Conservation – Assessing Habitat Quality of the Endangered Black-Footed Ferret Donna M. Delparte, Kristy Bly, Travis Stone, Sarah Olimb, Michael... -
Utilizing Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Precision Agriculture over Potato ...
Lebanon has traditionally been a major potato producer with 451,860 tons produced in 2014. Generally, potatoes make up 30% of the total Lebanese agricultural exports where... -
Precision Agriculture for Improving Potato Crop Management in Lebanon
High spatial and temporal resolution satellite imagery provides a reliable resource for crop monitoring throughout the growing season. Spectral indices including NDVI, SAVI and... -
Satellite-Based Fire Progression Mapping: A Comprehensive Assessment for Larg...
Satellite-based active fire (AF) products provide opportunities for constructing continuous fire progression maps, a critical dataset needed for improved fire behavior modeling... -
Automated Object-Based Identification of Dunes at Hargraves Crater, Mars
Terrestrial dune fields are good indicator of past and present aeolian transport regimes of planets like Earth, Mars, and Venus [e.g.,1; and references therein]. Aeolian... -
Using “Local Climate Zones” to Detect Urban Heat Island on Two Small Cities i...
Classifying “urban” and “rural” environments is a challenge in understanding urban climate, specifically urban heat islands (UHIs). Stewart and Oke developed the “local climate... -
Thermophysical Characterization of Jezero Crater and NE Syrtis, Mars
Jezero crater, with a diameter of 45 km, hosts two inlet channels of deltaic remnants along with an outlet channel and embraces hydrated minerals [1-5]. NE Syrtis (located just... -
Multiuser GIS and Practical Workflow Replicability
Replicability and reproducibility (R&R) have always been core requirements of scientific research. Recently, cases of failure to replicate previously published findings have... -
Geoweaver: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Managing Hybrid Geoscientific AI ...
AI (artificial intelligence)-based analysis of geospatial data has gained a lot of attention. Geospatial datasets are multi-dimensional; have spatiotemporal context; exist in... -
Applications of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Best Practices and Case Studies
Chapter 3: Multiuser Concepts and Workflow Replicability in sUAS Applications Jason A. Tullis, Katie Corcoran, Richard Ham, Bandana Kar, and Malcolm Williamson Advances in high... -
Introduction to USGS Analysis Ready Data Products Video Series
Learn how to use USGS Analysis Ready Data Products in this 3-part video series. -
Semiautomated Identification and Characterization of Dunes at Hargraves Crate...
The Mars Global Digital Dune Database (MGD3) contains information on Martian dune fields and prepared manually from the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS; 100 m/pixel)...