sUAS Tutorials: Flight Planning - Video Playlist
This series of 7 short video tutorials (ranging from 7 mins. to 15 mins in length) provide a general introduction to flight planning for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS).... -
Airborne hyperspectral imaging
Imaging spectrometer (AISA Eagle, Specim) and imaging fluorometer (IBIS, Specim) on-board manned Piper Saratoga airplane for agricultural, environmental and natural resources... -
Earth As Art - Exhibit Connection Guide - Color Wheel Madness
This exhibit connection guide explains the basics of how we see color and provides instructions to create a color wheel. -
More than Just a Pretty Picture: How Landsat Images are Made
This educational poster was created as part of the 2017 IowaView Earth as Art exhibit to give exhibit visitors information about how the images were made using Landsat imagery.... -
This page contains links to the following documents: Supplemental Data for the the Handbook zip – This zip contains a template file geodatabase, a template mxd, template excel... -
Iowa Best Management Practices Mapping Handbook
This document provides an overview of the Iowa BMP project and three associated projects. It provides background on the project, information about the data structure and... -
Iowa BMP Mapping Project Website
The goal of the Iowa BMP (Best Management Practices) Mapping Project is to provide a complete baseline set of BMPs dating from the 2007-2010 timeframe for use in watershed... -
Iowa Geographic Map Server
This site provides free access to Iowa geographic map data through online map viewers and web map services. The site was developed by the Iowa State University Geographic... -
Python manual for remote sensing analysis
Manual and scripts in Python for conducting “agnostic” image classification and accuracy assessment. -
Detection of Shelterbelt Density Change Using Historic APFO and NAIP Aerial I...
Grand Forks County, North Dakota, boasts the highest concentration of shelterbelts in the World. As trees age and reach their lifespan limits, renovations should have taken... -
Airborne Lidar Sampling Strategies to Enhance Forest Aboveground Biomass Esti...
Accurately estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) is important in many applications, including monitoring carbon stocks, investigating deforestation and forest degradation, and... -
Differential responses of native and managed prairie pastures to environmenta...
Future weather and climates, especially rainfall, are expected to have larger variability in the Southern Plains of the United States. However, the degree and timing of... -
Inspecting the Food–Water Nexus in the Ogallala Aquifer Region Using Satellit...
Agricultural production in the Great Plains provides a significant amount of food for the United States while contributing greatly to farm income in the region. However,... -
Grassland Wildfires in the Southern Great Plains: Monitoring Ecological Impac...
Devastating wildfires in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas in 2016 and 2017 resulted in significant social, economic, and environmental losses, with the agricultural sector among... -
Integrating eddy fluxes and remote sensing products in a rotational grazing n...
Eddy covariance (EC) systems provide integrated fluxes within their footprint areas. Spatial heterogeneity of up-scaled areas and spatio-temporal mismatches between EC footprint... -
Exploring GeoSpatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Opportunities within K - 12 School...
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) uses geospatial science and technologies, human geography, as well as fundamental knowledge of statistics, mathematics and physics to solve real... -
Unmanned Aircraft Systems on Campus
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or drones, are a revolutionary technology that are making it easier than ever to collect information from above the Earth’s surface. For... -
Visitors to urban greenspace have higher sentiment and lower negativity on Tw...
With more people living in cities, we are witnessing a decline in exposure to nature. A growing body of research has demonstrated an association between nature contact and... -
Is high spatial resolution DEM data necessary for mapping palustrine wetlands?
Digital elevation models (DEMs) have been found to be an effective data source for automated mapping of wetlands. However, it is unclear whether high spatial resolution DEMs,... -
Large-Area, High Spatial Resolution Land Cover Mapping Using Random Forests, ...
Despite the need for quality land cover information, large-area, high spatial resolution land cover mapping has proven to be a difficult task for a variety of reasons including...