This page contains links to the following documents:

Supplemental Data for the the Handbook zip – This zip contains a template file geodatabase, a template mxd, template excel documents foe watershed assignment and watershed summary statistics, and a folder containing the python scripts for automating various processes described in the handbook.

Tutorial 1- Digitizing Conservation Practices Tutorial zip– Tutorial 1 is a basic guide for creating the six conservation practices in the baseline conservation inventory data set and associated files. This zip includes a pdf of the tutorial, an mxd, a file geodatabase containing the necessary data and a solutions folder with the completed file geodatabase.

Tutorial 2 – Historical Occurrence Evaluation Tutorial zip– Tutorial 2 provides instructions on how to perform historical evaluations as well as updates using the baseline conservation inventory dataset. This zip includes a pdf of the tutorial, an mxd, a file geodatabase containing the necessary data and a solutions folder with the completed file geodatabase.

Tutorial 3 – Identifying and Mapping Tile Drainage Tutorial.pdf – Tutorial 3 explains the methods used to identify and map tile drainage using high resolution imagery. Accessory files in a zip, include a pdf of the tutorial, an mxd, a file geodatabase containing the necessary data, a tile mapping reference folder (containing an additional file geodatabase, DEMs (digital elevation models), shapefile, and tif) and a solutions folder with the completed file geodatabase and mxd.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

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Last Updated November 3, 2021, 02:21 (UTC)
Created November 3, 2021, 02:19 (UTC)