New HampshireView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and success of New HampshireView. -
LouisianaView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and success of LouisianaView. -
IowaView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and successes of IowaView. -
GeorgiaView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and successes of GeorgiaView. -
ArkansasView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and successes of ArkansasView. -
AlabamaView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and successes of AlabamaView. -
AlaskaView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets highlighting the efforts and successes of AlaskaView. -
Fly High 4 Geo
Through National Geographic Funding, AmericaView helped facilitate geography education and understanding in the Four Corners region of the United States. The FlyHigh4Geo program... -
2024 Earth Observation Day Poster
The 2024 Earth Observation Day poster focuses on "Earth Sciences Everywhere" and explains how remote sensing and Earth observation technologies are integral to all sectors... -
AmericaView Brochure
A brochure that is designed to provide information about AmericaView to be used as a hand-out at events. -
Bulk download of all StateView Factsheets in one document for each grant year. -
Landsat Memory Game
Remote Sensing Memory is an online version of memory, a card game designed for one or more people. Image file cards are laid out in a grid face down with the earth logo on top.... -
Forests from Above and Below: 2020 EOD Poster Lesson Plan
A Lesson Plan about forests based on the Earth Observation Day 2020 Factory Earth Poster developed for Middle School teachers. The lesson plan is divided into 4 parts: an... -
TexasView Factsheets
Yearly factsheets highlighting the efforts and successes of TexasView. -
PennsylvaniaView Factsheets
Yearly factsheets that highlight the efforts and success of PennsylvaniaView. -
WisconsinView Factsheets
Yearly factsheets that highlight the efforts and success of WisconsinView. -
2022 Earth Observation Day Poster
The 2022 Earth Observation Day poster focuses on the sustainability of the Landsat mission and showcases unique changing landscapes around the world. Since 1972, Landsat... -
AmericaView Annual Report
Annual report of AmericaView activities and successes as they relate to the USGS National Land Remote Sensing Education Outreach and Research Activity program. -
The Pioneers of the Landsat Program Poster
Learn about 12 individuals that contributed to the development of the Landsat Program. -
Big 10 Academic Alliance Geoportal
The Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal provides discoverability and facilitates access to geospatial resources. The resources in the portal are selected and curated by... -
ArcGIS Pro Python Programming Online Tutorial
Online tutorial of Python Programming with ArcGIS Pro using Indiana remote sensing dataset. -
Indiana Statewide LiDAR Data Portal
Funded by IndianaView mini-grant program, the Indiana Statewide LiDAR data portal hosts various layers of LiDAR image and products for Indiana. -
Alaska As Art
In this StoryMap, we have identified geologic features from Alaska and used satellite images to turn them into art. The goal is to raise awareness of Alaska’s dynamic landforms,... -
Kansas Potential Wetland Area Database
The dashboard contains the statewide wetland database, a collaborative mapping effort with multiple state and federal agencies (AmericaView, Kansas GIS Policy Board, Kansas... -
3D GIS course on
Take your maps into the third dimension: Learn GIS concepts and tools to visualize, analyze, and interpret spatial data in 3D. Reveal patterns that can lead to better decision... -
GIS Foundation course on
Learn foundations of GIS concepts and geospatial technology to view, understand, query, visualize, and interpret geospatial data to reveal patterns and relationships for... -
Statewide Map of Uluhe with Landsat-8
A statewide Landsat-8-based map of Uluhe (false staghorn, scientific name: Dicranopteris linearis), an indigenous fern that plays a key role in Hawaii ecosystems. -
Remote Sensing with Landsat in Rhode Island
This story map describes the history of Landsat, reviews some basic remote sensing principles, and presents some example applications for Landsat data in Rhode Island. -
Student Scholarship Fact Sheets
Fact sheets detailing student research that was conducted through the IndianaView scholarship program. -
Climate and Management Practices Jointly Control Vegetation Phenology in Nati...
Climate, human disturbances, and management practices jointly control the spatial and temporal patterns of land surface phenology. However, most studies solely focus on... -
Antecedent climatic conditions spanning several years influence multiple land...
Ecological processes are complex, often exhibiting non-linear, interactive, or hierarchical relationships. Furthermore, models identifying drivers of phenology are constrained... -
Multiple UAV Flights across the Growing Season Can Characterize Fine Scale Ph...
Grasslands and shrublands exhibit pronounced spatial and temporal variability in structure and function with differences in phenology that can be difficult to observe. Unpiloted... -
Change in Doctoral Dissertation Topics in Forest Resources from U.S. Universi...
Changes in forest resources expertise from 1978 to 2017, as measured by annual number of doctoral dissertations published on twenty topics, were examined. Using the ProQuest... -
Vine Water Status Mapping with Multispectral UAV imagery and Machine Learning
Optimizing water management has become one of the biggest challenges for grapevine growers in California, especially during drought conditions. Monitoring grapevine water status... -
The Spatial Variability of NDVI Within a Wheat Field: Information Content and...
Wheat is a staple crop that is critical for feeding a hungry and growing planet, but its nutritive value has declined as global temperatures have warmed. The price offered to... -
Effects of Increasing C4-Crop Cover and Stomatal Conductance on Evapotranspir...
Accurate quantification of evapotranspiration (ET) is crucial for surface water resources and best agricultural management practices in watersheds. The aim of this study was to... -
Virtualizing Soil Science Field Trips
In response to the coronavirus pandemic in the fall of 2020, we created hybrid–virtual or fully virtual field trips to replace in-person field trips in two courses. For an... -
Enhancing Reproducibility and Replicability in Remote Sensing Deep Learning R...
Many issues can reduce the reproducibility and replicability of deep learning (DL) research and application in remote sensing, including the complexity and customizability of... -
Cooling Effects of Increased Green Fodder Area on Native Grassland in the Nor...
With increasing livestock production due to high demand for consumption, the planted area of green fodder, an essential livestock supplement, has grown rapidly and will continue... -
Biophysical Effects of Paddy Rice Expansion on Land Surface Temperature in No...
The pending extensive rice expansion in northeastern Asia, especially in northeast China, affects regional climate by altering both biogeochemical and biophysical processes.... -
Indoor GIS Solution for Space Use Assessment
As GIS and computing technologies advanced rapidly, many indoor space studies began to adopt GIS technology, data models, and analysis methods. However, even with a considerable... -
Structural Diversity as a Reliable and Novel Predictor for Ecosystem Producti...
The physical structure of vegetation is thought to be closely related to ecosystem function, but little is known of its pertinence across geographic regions. Here, we used data... -
Estimating Urban Tree Metrics Using Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning
Trees grown in an urban environment are typically from a selected list of suitable species due to their appearance and other factors. A popular oak species in recent decades has... -
Assessing the Ability to Quantify Bathymetric Change over Time Using Solely S...
Coastal regions are undergoing rapid change, due to natural and anthropogenic forcings. A current constraint in understanding and modeling these changes is the lack of... -
Aerial Imagery-Based Building Footprint Detection with an Integrated Deep Lea...
Human encroachment into wildlands has resulted in a rapid increase in wildland–urban interface (WUI) expansion, exposing more buildings and population to wildfire risks. More... -
Machine Learning for Modeling Wildfire Susceptibility at the State Level: An ...
Fire susceptibility modeling is crucial for sustaining and managing forests among many other valuable land resources. With 56% of its area covered by forests, Arkansas is known... -
Science of Where: An Introduction to How to Think Spatially
This tutorial has 7 lectures and 3 exercises that introduce the viewer how to think spatially. The material is appropriate for life long learners high school and beyond. Spatial... -
Forest Type Differentiation Using GLAD Phenology Metrics, Land Surface Parame...
This study investigates the mapping of forest community types for the entire state of West Virginia, United States, using Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) Phenology... -
Informing Conservation Decisions to Target Private Lands of Highest Ecologica...
Natural habitats on private lands are potentially important components of national biodiversity conservation strategies, yet they are being rapidly lost to development.... -
An Introduction to Precision Agriculture: An Educator's Guide to Agricultural...
Small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) are being increasingly utilized to support an array of applications including agriculture, natural resource management,...