ArkansasView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and successes of ArkansasView. -
Machine Learning for Modeling Wildfire Susceptibility at the State Level: An ...
Fire susceptibility modeling is crucial for sustaining and managing forests among many other valuable land resources. With 56% of its area covered by forests, Arkansas is known... -
Where is the provenance? Ethical replicability and reproducibility in GIScien...
As replicability and reproducibility (R&R) crises develop within emerging convergent inquiry, ethical use of provenance information is central to the establishment and... -
Multiuser GIS and Practical Workflow Replicability
Replicability and reproducibility (R&R) have always been core requirements of scientific research. Recently, cases of failure to replicate previously published findings have... -
Geoweaver: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Managing Hybrid Geoscientific AI ...
AI (artificial intelligence)-based analysis of geospatial data has gained a lot of attention. Geospatial datasets are multi-dimensional; have spatiotemporal context; exist in... -
Applications of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Best Practices and Case Studies
Chapter 3: Multiuser Concepts and Workflow Replicability in sUAS Applications Jason A. Tullis, Katie Corcoran, Richard Ham, Bandana Kar, and Malcolm Williamson Advances in high...