MichiganView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and success of MichiganView. -
Great Lakes Watersheds and Water Quality
A StoryMap-based lesson geared toward high school and community college audiences on watersheds and water quality in the Great Lakes region. -
Understanding the Earth
An informative StoryMap based informal lesson that is geared to the elementary educational level. This lesson introduces the student to geography, maps and globes, and explores... -
Mapping Kenyan Grassland Heights Across Large Spatial Scales with Combined Op...
Grassland monitoring can be challenging because it is time-consuming and expensive to measure grass condition at large spatial scales. Remote sensing offers a time- and... -
MI-Environment: Geospatial patterns and inequality of relative heat stress vu...
Heat stress causes morbidity and mortality and is increasing with climate change. Heat stress can pose particular challenges in northern regions not well adapted to heat. To...