North DakotaView Fact Sheets
Yearly fact sheets that highlight the efforts and success of North DakotaView. -
Detection of Shelterbelt Density Change Using Historic APFO and NAIP Aerial I...
Grand Forks County, North Dakota, boasts the highest concentration of shelterbelts in the World. As trees age and reach their lifespan limits, renovations should have taken... -
Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herd...
Changes in land use have resulted in range shifts of many wildlife species, including those entering novel environments, resulting in the critical need to understand their... -
A comparison of drone imagery and groundbased methods for estimating the exte...
Lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) populations have dramatically altered vegetation communities through increased foraging pressure. In remote regions, regular... -
Automated Fractional Snow Cover Monitoring From Near-Surface Remote Sensing I...
Snow cover is an important variable in both climatological and hydrological studies because of its relationship to environmental energy and mass flux. However, variability in... -
Mapping And Quantifying The Spatial Characteristics Of Agricultural Drainage ...
The purpose of the study is to map agricultural drainage systems (ADS) at the watershed scale using remote sensing and GIS techniques and examine the effect of ADS. For... -
An Evaluation Of Remote Sensing Methods For Ecological Management In Theodore...
This thesis is comprised of four chapters that examine various aspects of remote sensing for ecological management in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Chapter one reviews the... -
Use Of Landsat Satellite Imagery To Identify The Salinization Of Soil Due To ...
Oil and gas development in northwestern North Dakota, has resulted in the drilling of more than 32,000 wells and produced large volumes of salt water (brine). Brine spills can... -
Applications Of An Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle And Remote Cameras For Studying ...
The midcontinent population of lesser snow geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) has increased dramatically since the 1960’s due to changing agricultural practices in their...